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The Espace Rousseau where Jean-Jacques Rousseau is born, in Geneva
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The Espace Rousseau

  > The Honour
Inner view of the Espace Rousseau where Jean-Jacques Rousseau is born, Geneva

The Honour Comittee of the Espace Rousseau

  • Bronislaw Baczko, Historian, former professor at the University of Geneva;
  • Ruth Dreifuss, Former president of the Swiss Confederation;
  • Olivier Fatio, Theology professor at the University of Geneva, president of the Reformation Museum ;
  • Franois Jacob, Director of the Voltaire Institute and Museum of Geneva;
  • Christian Lalive dEpinay, Sociologist, former professor at the University of Geneva;
  • Armand Lombard, President of Genilem, Geneva;
  • Franois Matthey, Professor and director of the Jean-Jacques Rousseau Museum of Mtiers ;
  • Jean-Jacques Monney, Director of the Cit Universitaire, Geneva;
  • Christian Rey, President of Genve Tourisme;
  • Raymond Trousson, Professor at the Universit Libre in Bruxelles;
  • Bndict de Tscharner, President of the Foundation of 'the Swiss abroad', Chteau de Penthes .