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The Espace Rousseau where Jean-Jacques Rousseau is born, in Geneva
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   in Geneva
Zoom on the Espace Rousseau Geneva

References to Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Geneva

The Rousseau island
Located between the two banks of the river, near the Pont du Mont-Blanc, the island named after Genevas most famous citizen displays a statue of Jean-Jacques Rousseau by James Pradier (1790-1852).

The Museum of Art and History
2, rue Charles-Galland, 1204 Geneva
An art museum with an extensive display of landscapes and portraits of the 18th century.

The Voltaire Museum and Institute
25, rue des Dlices, 1203 Geneva
A specialised library including around 25'000 volumes about Voltaire and the 18th century. It is located in a house, which the philosopher occupied between 1755 and 1765. The museum holds a permanent collection of documents relating to Voltaire. It also orgnises temporary thematic exhibitions.

The Museum of Watch-Making
15, route de Malagnou, 1208 Geneva (CLOSED for the moment)
Collection of old watches including Jean Rousseaus watch.

The Tavel House
6, rue du Puits Saint-Pierre,1204 Geneva
A display of old Geneva interiors. An 1850 model of Geneva.

The Botanical Gardens and Conservatory of Geneva
1, ch de lImpratrice,1292 Chambsy.
A collection of Geneva scholars herbaria